Best wading spots for crappie fishing

To find crappie while wading, guide John Harrison follows the ditches.

• Lake Washington — Either end of the oxbow tapers out to a flat that contains a lot of cypress trees and stumps. These areas may be accessible by foot. The inside bends of Lake Washington make up an entire flat area; some areas are better than others. Try Cuckleberry Swamp and John Henry’s Slough, areas you’ll need to boat into to wade.

• Grenada Lake — The headwaters of both the Yalobusha and Skuna rivers are good places to wade-fish. On the Yalobusha, try the Red Grass Creek Area; on the Skuna, try the Turkey Creek area.

• Sardis Lake — Fish the areas surrounding the Highway 7 Access near the head of the Little Tallahatchie River. The backs of Clear Creek and Tubby Creek also are good when the water levels are appropriate on the south bank.

• Enid Lake — The headwaters of the Yacona River often provides good wading, but might best be accessed by boat. Other locations include the backwaters of Long Branch at Frost Creek on the south bank of the lake, and the backwaters of Wallace Creek and Hubbard Creek on the north, near the dam.

• Arkabutla — At Arkabutla, the backs of Hurricane Creek and Mussacuna Creek are local favorites. Also try the headwaters of Coldwater Creek in the vicinity of Highway 304.

About Phillip Gentry 409 Articles
Phillip Gentry is a freelance outdoor writer and photographer who says that if it swims, walks, hops, flies or crawls he’s usually not too far behind.

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