Trail camera deployments and features

It doesn’t take the most expensive or high-tech trail camera to get the job done.

“Equipment wise, I use basic trail cameras that are readily available to every hunter,” said Bill Garbo of Madison. “I don’t use any camera that is especially fancy or particularly expensive.”

What Garbo does do is place numerous cameras in strategic locations, and monitors them almost exhaustively. The data he has collected over several deer hunting seasons now is the foundation for his continued analysis of the deer on his property and how better to hunt them more effectively and efficiently.

“Last season I used a total of nine cameras,” Garbo said. “This year I will be putting out probably a dozen or more. Since back in September, I had a total of up to nine cameras out at any given time with at least four more being readied for the pre-rut. On top of that, I’m thinking of adding more cameras before the rut heats up.

“Currently, I’m using several brands trying out different types with varying features. Among the cameras I have deployed to date are models by Cuddeback, Wildgame Innovations and Primos. I am also evaluating some other brands as well including a new Bushnell.”

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