Who ya gonna call? Crow Busters!

Finding locations for crow hunting is at least half the battle. Crows are drawn to long term food sources. These locations include cut-over corn and grain fields, old farm areas, pecan groves and orchards.

One of the Flintstones episodes you never saw was the time Fred and Barney managed to kill a pterodactyl on a weekend outing, then shortly after formed the Bedrock Chapter of PU – Pterodactyls Unlimited.

Since that time, wherever hunters gather together to share tactics and stories about hunting it hasn’t taken long until a centrally located club iss formed in support of those hunters.

Crow hunting is no different.

Back during the 1940s and ’50s, crow hunting reached an early peak in popularity. Crows were the ultimate villain during the WWII era, even stereotyped as being against the war effort in many popular political cartoons.

Due to their destruction of important farm crops, the government even offered bounties on the bandits, and crows were killed by the millions.

Afterwards, thoughts of crows and crow hunting gave way to other hunting pursuits, and all but a handful of hunters even bothered hunting crows.

Following federal protection and a rebounding population, crow hunting re-emerged in the mid ’80s as a mainstay with varmint hunters and the crow-hunting population began to grow as hunters found an outlet with a number of forgotten hunting skills, including camouflage tactics, hand calling, decoy use and wing shooting.

Amid this re-emergence, lifelong crow hunter Gordon Krause found a way to rally crow hunters together over the Internet and created the first ever Web site dedicated to crow hunting.

Today, www.crowbusters.com reaches out to thousands of beginner and expert crow hunters across the world, offering knowledge, fellowship and an outlet for purchasing crow-specific hunting gear through their online “CrowMart – The Crow Hunters Superstore.”

Crow Busters membership benefits include access to all member areas on the Crow Busters’ Web site, including chat rooms, information downloads and member discounts on merchandise from the CrowMart Superstore.

“That’s why Crow Busters was formed, to provide hunters with the information and resources that they will need to be a more-successful crow hunter,” Krause wrote on the pages of his Web site. “It will also put crow hunters in contact with each other so that ideas, techniques and just plain fellowship can be shared. Hunters helping other hunters. That has been and will always be the driving idea behind Crow Busters.”

For complete information, check out www.crowbusters.com.

About Phillip Gentry 404 Articles
Phillip Gentry is a freelance outdoor writer and photographer who says that if it swims, walks, hops, flies or crawls he’s usually not too far behind.

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