Freshwater Fishing

DIY crappie jigs

Making your own crappie-fishing jigs can be a rewarding hobby. By making your own tackle, you can create lures found nowhere else. It’s easy and inexpensive to make your own tackle; just follow these simple steps: […]

Freshwater Fishing

Dam sweet spots

Embankment dams are the most commonly built dams in the United States. Massive structures made of earth and rock, embankment dams rely on their heavy weight to resist the force of the water. Several key ingredients, both natural and man-made, will dictate how crappie relate to them as water levels drop during winter drawdowns. […]


Range Shifters

Rick Dillard eased through the woods in full stealth mode with his rifle ready for action as he worked his way toward his afternoon stand on a late December hunt last year. With a heightened sense of anticipation, Dillard scanned his surroundings quickly as a doe ran by. […]


Bienville Bushytails

It’s a well-worn mantra from grey-beards such as myself: Many of us who are closer to 65 than we’d like to admit cut our hunting teeth on squirrels, rabbits and quail. We didn’t use camouflage clothing or high-priced squirrel dogs. […]


Permanent Plots

In my lifetime, I have only known the Delta to be an expanse of rowed-up dirt that is planted annually with various crops that feed and clothe the world. Deltans can look across a field that continues for miles with no apparent end. Approaching lightning storms on hot summer nights can be viewed from what seems to be as far away as Texas. […]