Deer Hunting

Who you gonna call?

Deer Program Biologists provide deer related technical guidance to managers on private and public lands, conduct seminars, speak publicly, write articles for professional publications, conduct statewide disease surveillance, and assist Mississippi State University with deer research projects. […]

Deer Hunting

Season Dates and Size Limits

HILL ZONE — Private and open public lands east of I-55 and north of I-20 plus areas south of I-20 and east of U.S. Hwy. 61, excluding areas south of U.S. Hwy. 84 and east of MS Hwy. 35. A legal buck is defined as having EITHER a minimum inside spread of 10 inches OR aminimum main-beam length of 13 inches. Firearm seasons: Regular gun, with dogs, through Dec. 1; primitive weapon, Dec. 2-15; gun, without dogs (still season), Dec. 16-23; gun, with dogs, Dec. 24-Jan. 22. […]


Smooth bores never boring

With waterfowl numbers are near-record levels in recent years, the firearm industry has been busy trying to keep pace. Hence, a lot of good shotguns have flooded the waterfowl hunting market over the last decade with nearly every maker getting on the wagon. […]


Hunting in fashion

Watching the gathering around Mike Flautt’s guide assignment table each morning is like watching a veritable fashion show. It’s nothing like a Victoria Secret preview mind you, but all the young duck guides are always decked out in the latest, greatest, best duck wear in just the right camouflage patterns. […]

Deer Hunting

Woodsmanship: The basic skill set

This is old news to seasoned hunters, but hopefully insightful for young hunters, less experienced hunters, and for sure individuals getting into the pursuit of deer hunting for the first time. I run into this a lot in my hunter safety courses especially with ladies getting ready to marry a hunter. They want to learn how to deer hunt, too. […]

Deer Hunting

Insane over Axe Broadheads

Ken Lancaster is a bow hunter. It is as much a part of his fabric as his genetic code.

“People who know me through our outdoors television show or the time I spent managing the bow shop at Van’s in Brandon, realize I am first and foremost an archery hunter,” said Lancaster, star of the Antler Insanity TV series. “Sure I still gun hunt some, but the biggest thrill for me is to pull back on my Elite bow on a big buck at a short bow hunting range. To me this is the real challenging part of bow hunting. […]