Deer Hunting

Eyes in the woods

The firestorm over the use of digital trail cameras for deer hunting rages on. The debate among hunters is whether the information revealed by trail cameras is of any real value or is it just imagined? […]

Deer Hunting

Specialized camera features

“There are many excellent makes and models of trail cameras on the market today. However, no matter which brand you choose, I believe one of the most important factors is to use a digital trail camera with a fast wake-up and trigger speed,” Bill Garbo recommended. […]

Deer Hunting

Trail camera origins and development

A decade ago, game trail cameras were virtually unheard of. The first models were extremely crude by today’s technological standards. Original versions used traditional rolls of 35mm color film most often contained within a conventional type camera that was mounted inside of a case that could be hung in the woods. […]


Pelican Case

Designed as watertight/ crush-resistant armor for iPads, netbooks and tablet computers, the Pelican 1075 HardBack Case will protect just about any sensitive electronic device up to 10 inches from the rigors of travel. […]