
Buying into bowhunting tech trends

The hard part about evaluating archery gear is trying to separate the buzz-word hype from real performance. Often we are sold on mere catch phrases conjured up by marketing and sales magicians working in the smoke-filled back rooms apart from product development and manufacturing. […]


Tink’s Vanish

Tink’s new Vanish Odor Elimination products are a surefire way to make sure your scent vanishes before the deer do. This new line utilizes patented technology that has been scientifically proven to destroy more than 300 odor-causing compounds produced by the human body. […]


Soil Saga

The buck eased through the woods, nipping at greenery and moseying along the edge of the slough before turning and slowly crossing the depression. The animal moved along a trail a couple of does had used hours before, without so much as a sniff of the ground. […]


Lucky Charm Plots

When it comes to planting wildlife food plots, everyone seems to be searching for that magic seed that will provide everything a whitetail needs — large amounts of highly nutritious forage over an extended period of time. This elusive plant would grow in sun or shade, thrive in a desert or a swamp, reseed itself, stand up to heavy grazing and have the palatability of white-oak acorns. […]