
Soil Saga

The buck eased through the woods, nipping at greenery and moseying along the edge of the slough before turning and slowly crossing the depression. The animal moved along a trail a couple of does had used hours before, without so much as a sniff of the ground. […]


Lucky Charm Plots

When it comes to planting wildlife food plots, everyone seems to be searching for that magic seed that will provide everything a whitetail needs — large amounts of highly nutritious forage over an extended period of time. This elusive plant would grow in sun or shade, thrive in a desert or a swamp, reseed itself, stand up to heavy grazing and have the palatability of white-oak acorns. […]


To Cull or Not to Cull?

The practice of deer management has grown by leaps and bounds in the Magnolia State over the past few decades. Most whitetail enthusiasts understand that there are three primary factors that have an impact both on body size and antler quality — age, nutrition and genetics. […]


Deer Dynamics: Antler Growth

As the days become longer, the process of “photoperiod” takes hold — stimulating more hormonal growth for bucks. More available sunlight allows changes to unfold with a buck’s pituitary gland, producing hormones that significantly contribute to bone and tissue growth. Other natural works play into antler development as well. […]


The Deer Whisperers

Bagging a trophy-class whitetail is truly the experience of a lifetime. For most deer hunters, one is all they get. Many seasoned sportsman are completely satisfied to have achieved the accomplishment. They got their 15 minutes of fame, got the bragging mount and can relive the whole episode at the drop of a camo hat. […]


Monster Bucks DVD

On Monster Bucks XVIII, Volume 1, you’ll see hunts from nine states, as well as Saskatchewan, Canada and Old Mexico. Bill Jordan, David Blanton and Michael Waddell, along with the rest of the Team Realtree crew, are back for another fantastic Monster Bucks DVD. […]