Bass Fishing

Going Small to Get Big

It continually amazes me how things have changed since the days of my youth. Faced with the modern-day diversions of cell phones, video games, text messages, personal computers and myspace accounts, it is a wonder kids of today ever look to the outdoors for entertainment. […]


Rabbits wrap up the winter season

Whoa daddy, the hunting season isn’t over yet. Now is the perfect time for some quality small-game hunting and for squirrel or rabbit hunters to dominate the woods and fields. Right now through the end of February, small-game hunters can capitalize on the best hunting conditions of the entire season. This is especially true for rabbit hunting across the Magnolia State. […]


Standin’ Around

“Get on it!” The cry rings out from the dense undergrowth laid out in front of the shadowy figure leaning slightly against a young plantation pine. Ever since daylight broke, the lone hunter has been on stand watching the cold morning world come to life. […]

Bass Fishing

The Big Three

Has the time come in your bass-fishing life that you are ready to catch the one trophy fish to mount or have a replica mount made? Is there a space on your den wall that you are saving for the bass of a lifetime to fill so that it will remind you visually of that day when the hook held and the line didn’t break? […]


First electronics rule: Do no harm

Every now and then I’ll hear someone at a tackle shop or out at a launch ramp give advice on caring for electronics that stands my hair on end. The most frequent category of advice is how to clean LCD screens or, more accurately, the protective lenses that cover them. […]