Seafood platter on a stick

Onions and peppers add texture and color to the skewers, but the real stars of this meal are the fish, shrimp and scallops. (Photo by Jerry Dilsaver)

This recipe calls for fresh fish with firm meat, shrimp and scallops. You should be able to catch the fish on your own. You can catch your own shrimp too. The scallops are a bit more difficult, so a visit to your local fishmonger is probably in order.

I like to do this with dolphin. Many anglers are catching them while fishing for king mackerel and other species. They are tasty prepared a variety of ways, but I believe most folks will especially appreciate their mild flavor with the shrimp and scallops.

It’s usually so hot this month that an evening in the lower 80s or high 70s is considered relief, and is an excellent time to enjoy your meal on the deck or patio with family and friends.

Doing things outside in the heat, whether fishing or preparing for hunting season this time of year, earns us a hot meal that is simple to make. Seafood platter on a stick is a great one, and prepared this way, doesn’t leave you feeling stuffed and miserable.

Seafood platter on a stick

I’ve used metal skewers, but they get really hot unless you opt for the ones with handles, and can overcook the shrimp and scallops right around where they go through. I believe wood is the way to go.

Medium-size shrimp absorb the marinade best and don’t get chewy like large shrimp can. The pieces of fish need to be smaller to cook at the same rate as the shrimp and scallops.

Mojo Criollo marinade is citrus based and is good by itself. Adding just a little Malibu Coconut Rum and the Texas Pete Cha sauce gives the meat, especially the fish, a slightly different and slightly sweeter taste. It may also be good with other sriracha sauces, but the Texas Pete version has a nice smoky and slightly sweet taste that comes through just right, without being overly spicy. Only the seafood is marinated in this mixture and it’s marinated in the refrigerator.

Sprinkle peppers and onions with Cavender’s All Purpose Greek Seasoning and salt and pepper (to your personal tastes) then place in Mojo Criollo marinade in another zip-lock. I usually do everything else first and have the meat marinating, then cut the peppers and onions and allow them to marinate at least 30-45 minutes – also in the refrigerator. Cover all the meat and vegetables with the marinade.

I don’t put this directly on the grill grate, but cook it on a vegetable tray. That way if something sticks, it’s easier to get it free. This really is good and has something for just about anyone that eats seafood. Give it a try and you’ll cook it again. Enjoy!


  • 3/4 Pound dolphin fillets
  • 3/4 Pound shrimp
  • 3/4 Pound scallops
  • 1 large sweet onion
  • Several assorted color bell peppers
  • 3 Cups Mojo Criollo marinade
  • 2 TSP Texas Pete Cha sauce
  • 1/8 Cup Malibu Coconut rum
  • Cavender’s All Purpose Greek Seasoning (to taste)
  • Salt and Pepper (to taste)


  1. Soak wooden skewers for at least 30 minutes in hot water.
  2. Clean up the dolphin fillets so there is no dark meat or skin.
  3. Cut the dolphin into bite size pieces (roughly 1 to 1 1/2 inches square).
  4. Head, peel and devein the shrimp.
  5. Put 1 ½ cups of the Mojo Criollo sauce, Cha sauce, rum, dolphin pieces, shrimp and scallops in a gallon zip-lock bag, squeeze the air out and seal it.
  6. Allow the seafood to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
  7. Wash, remove seeds and cut the peppers in roughly 1 to 1 1/2 inch pieces.
  8. Wash and cut the onion into roughly 1 to 1 1/2 inch pieces.
  9. Sprinkle the onion and pepper pieces with Cavender’s, salt and pepper to taste, then put them in a different zip-lock bag with 1 ½ cup of Mojo Criollo sauce, squeeze out the air and seal.
  10. Allow the vegetables to marinate in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  11. Thread the seafood and vegetables onto the skewers, alternating meat, vegetable, meat, vegetable.
  12. Pre-heat grill to medium.
  13. Spray a grill vegetable tray with non-stick cooking spray.
  14. Lay the skewers on the vegetable tray and cook on the grill at medium heat for approximately 4 to 6 minutes, then turn and cook approximately 4 more minutes or until the fish begins to flake.
  15. Serve while warm.

This is a light summer meal, tailor made to enjoy with family and friends while also enjoying the cool of a summer evening on the deck or patio. Peppers and onions are on the skewer, but it goes well with more vegetables. Sautéed squash or corn on the cob are excellent choices and there are several good ways to cook corn on the grill. A green salad or lettuce wedge is a great way to begin. Those who like something sweet to finish the meal will find flan or a chilled pudding are light and cap this meal well.

The post “Seafood platter on a stick” first appeared on

About Jerry Dilsaver 152 Articles
Jerry Dilsaver of Oak Island, N.C., is a freelance writer, as well as a former national king mackerel champion fisherman. Readers are encouraged to send their favorite recipes and a photo of the completed dish to possibly be used in a future issue of the magazine. E-mail the recipes and photos to Jerry Dilsaver at

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