
String ‘em Along

One can’t help but admire the benchmark attributes of a truly dedicated bowhunter. I am no longer counted among the ranks because a shoulder injury prevents me from pulling and holding a bow at full draw. In fact, I gave all my bowhunting gear to a guy at work who wanted to get into it. Now he suffers from the affliction of bowhunting. […]


Deer Dynamics: Communication

Scent pheromones and their distinct odors are instinctively utilized by whitetails to convey a realm of communication related to dominant hierarchy and sexual interactions. They are crucial for other social relations — particularly with females raising their offspring. These scents are produced by several different glands, and serve deer of all ages and both sexes. […]


High Cotton

Just up the trace from Natchez, a few miles from Fayette and perhaps closer to Church Hill, rests a little place where a few extended families come together each fall called the Cottonseed Hunting Club. […]

Deer Hunting

Day 6 PlotWatcher Time-Lapse Video Camera

Imagine having a set of eyes at every hunting spot on your property. Just think of what you could learn about the game activity if your friends and family were willing to sit in all of your stand sites from dusk until dawn during the days leading up to your hunt. If you know that many people with no obligations and plenty of time to spare, then you’re set. If not, then the Day 6 PlotWatcher Time-Lapse Video Camera is your answer. […]

Deer Hunting

Benefits of ball clover

There are numerous benefits of incorporating legumes (clover) into winter food plots. Adding clovers to these forage systems has helped many cattle producers in Southwest Mississippi offset the rising costs of nitrogen and improve forage quality. […]


Soil Saga

The buck eased through the woods, nipping at greenery and moseying along the edge of the slough before turning and slowly crossing the depression. The animal moved along a trail a couple of does had used hours before, without so much as a sniff of the ground. […]